We’re very excited that you’re thinking of applying to Leadership SLO!
The application window for 2025 is now CLOSED. Recruitment for Class 35 – 2026 will commence in the summer of 2025. That said, we like to be transparent about our process, read below to see how it all works!
The ideal Leadership SLO participant is drawn in by our values and is committed to advancing personal, professional, and community well being for all. We are devoted to serving your growth in a way that’s unflinchingly dedicated to:
Community – We recognize that the strength of the whole is dependent upon the connections between the individuals, and we strive to foster authentic relationships and engagement among participants and throughout the Central Coast.
Audacity – We engage honestly with life’s toughest challenges and society’s deepest problems without hesitation.
Inclusivity – We cherish diverse perspectives born from different life experiences because they are essential to overcoming challenges and empowering all to thrive.
Integrity – We work diligently to establish a trusting and constructive environment so that participants can be vulnerable, think critically, and seek creative solutions.
Relevancy – We actively evolve to meet and learn about the changing needs of our community.
We seek out and celebrate diversity of race, culture, gender, and sexuality because we know different perspectives improve the quality of our discourse. Participants come from all over SLO County, from every walk of life. In every class you could find college students, middle-managers, front line workers, CEO’s, retirees, parents, stay-at-home parents, and more. Class members are public servants, nonprofit and business executives, officers and managers; people already in leadership roles or seeking growth opportunities on the Central Coast. Membership in the San Luis Obispo Chamber of Commerce is not a factor for selection.
Selection Criteria
Every year, it is our goal to build a group with a healthy dynamic empowered to learn, discuss difficult issues, and explore new perspectives. The selected group will balance the number of participants from the private, nonprofit, public and volunteer sectors while ensuring diverse geographic, cultural, experience, and gender representation. We do not typically accept two members of the same family in the same class, nor do we typically accept two candidates from the same business or department.
In our commitment to ensure diversity of people and viewpoints, many well-qualified applicants may not be selected. We urge those applicants to reapply in the following year with the understanding that each year’s applicant pool is independently considered.
The Application Process
Please READ this entire section before applying. Applying to Leadership SLO requires your time and thought, and, if you’re employed, your employer’s agreement. If you’re accepted to Leadership SLO, we’ll do everything possible to make sure tuition payments are not an obstacle, scholarships covering up to 75% of program costs are available and requests are confidential.
The Application
We will commence recruitment for Class 33 in the mid July of 2024. Submissions are made via online form via the link at the bottom of this section but please consider the following requirements and program structure as you proceed.
1) The program acceptance, attendance, and tuition agreement is a required attachment. Download, review, complete, and obtain necessary signatures, and sign the agreement. AGREEMENT DOCUMENT BEING UPDATED SOON.
2) One letter of recommendation is also a required attachment. Here are some sample letters of recommendation for your reference.
3) Since you are unable to save your progress on the application, we recommend you prepare your 250 word (or less) responses to the application questions in advance:
Describe your typical day
How are you involved in your community?
What are the biggest challenges facing you, your family and/or friends in SLO County?
Why do you wish to participate in Leadership SLO?
What have you done over the past few years to improve your skills, knowledge or leadership? Why did you focus on those areas?
Application Dates & Deadlines
September 16 (noon) – Deadline for Applications
September 23 – Group Interviews Scheduled
October 1-9 – Group Interviews Conducted
October 21 – Selection Notification Sent for Class 33 2025
November 1 – Leadership SLO Class 32 Celebration, Annual Alumni Gathering, and Class 33 Welcome Party
December 9 – Tuition or Tuition Agreement Due
The Interview
After your application is received, you’ll be notified to sign up for a group interview by September 23. Our format features six alumni asking a fixed set of questions to groups of six applicants. Interview questions focus on you as an individual as opposed to you as a professional, leader, or employee. We encourage applicants to come prepared to open up about their values, struggles, and goals.
Tuition for the 10-month program is $2,295 before scholarships and includes:
Retreat. Thursday-Saturday (Thursday night local to SLO County, Friday night overnight at retreat facility).
Light breakfast and full lunch at 9 Day Sessions
Transportation on Agriculture Day
Scholarships covering up to 75% of the tuition are offered and awarded based on greatest need. Typical scholarships cover 25-50% of tuition with employers and individuals paying the remaining balance. Every year more than 25% of applicants request and are awarded scholarship assistance thanks to generous sponsors and donors. Since scholarship funds are limited, Leadership San Luis Obispo encourages applicants to seek sponsorship from their employers and community affiliations.
Program Dates & Deadlines
Day sessions are on the second Friday of each month, from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Agriculture may begin at 7:00 a.m.
Some sessions require homework, which involves a time commitment of 2–4 hours.
Every class is required to determine how they will create an impact in the community, so please be aware of a continued commitment.
2025 Day Session Dates
January 23, 24 & 25| RETREAT (overnight Friday night)
February 14
March 14
April 11
May 9
June 13
July 11
August 8
September 12
October 10
November 7 | Graduation Party
“Leadership SLO was one of the best things I have done for myself as an adult. I will be a better citizen and partner in my community as a result of my experience.”
— Ann Dover, Class 19